elm, also called American elm is the largest of the elms, growing up to
35 meters high. White elm can live up to 200 years. Unfortunately the
Dutch elm disease, a fungus that kills elm trees, has decimated much of
the elm population. The disease was introduced by bark beetles in the
late 1920's. In Fredericton it is still quite common to see white elm
- the city of Fredericton has an aggressive program to combat the dutch
elm disease - once an infected tree is reported it is removed and destroyed
to prevent the infection of other trees. Though the elm population has
severely declined, in years past elm was used for many things including
the hubs of heavy wagons and boxes and crates. It was also employed in
the making of ships, agricultural tools, sporting goods and heavy-duty
flooring. In addition, elm was frequently used for barrel staves and hoop