NBCL5 Details


Dataset Name:


Date Added:

January 31, 2006

Contributed By:

Evelyn Richards    
  5881 Polygons, 60412 Hectares

The dataset is a complete ArcGIS format GIS data plus comma separated text files with additional polygon information. It is based on the New Brunswick Crown License 5 topology data from the NB Department of Natural Resources. Some stand boundaries have been changed from the data provided to create a spatial dataset more suitable for modeling purposes. Stratification and volume is based on the NB FDS yield curves but may not be exactly the same as the stratification done by others on this dataset.

Data files:

  1. NBCL5.csv
    • Basically, the attribute table from the shapefile
  2. Volume.csv
    • Projected stand Merchantable Volume for four coarse product groupings: HWPLP = hardwood pulp volume HWLOG= hardwood log volume SWPLP= softwood pulp volume SWLOG= softwood log volume
  3. Yield.csv
    • Yield curves for each defined Strata

Making a Significant Difference