Dr. John A. Kershaw, Jr. CF, RPF, Forest Mensurationist

“The really great forester combines technical knowledge with idealism; even though he may be mistaken in detail, he must be enough of a thinker to fathom the national needs of the future.” – Theodore S. Woolsey, Jr. (Riding the Chuck Line)


Panoramic photography opened a new way to look at the world, here are a few of my favorites.

Purdue Memorial Union

Lake Okanogan, BC at Sunrise

Lake Lundbom, BC

Backyard in Hanwell, NB – first attempt at a 360/180 panorama, exposure problems, but nifty lines

Nearly a 360/180 in the Valley of the Giants, Oregon

Another nearly 360/180 taken with my Canon SD430 near Black Butte, Oregon