New Publications Accepted
12 May 2013Peng, M., Kershaw, J.A., Jr., Chui, Y.H., and Gong, M. In Review. Modeling of tangential, radial and longitudinal shrinkage in jack pine and white spruce. Submitted to: Canadian Journal of Forest Research.
McGarrigle, E., Kershaw, J.A., Jr., Ducey, M.J., and Lavigne, M.B. In Press. A new approach to modeling stand-level dynamics based on informed random walks: influence of bandwidth and sample size. Forestry.
Russell, M. Weiskittel A.R., and Kershaw, J.A., Jr. In Press. Benchmarking and calibration of Forest Vegetation Simulator individual tree attribute predictions across the northeastern US. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry.
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